How to look inside yourself to find yourself
A step-by-step guide on looking inside yourself
A step-by-step guide on looking inside yourself
Consider this interesting paradox:
We are birds. We are meant to fly!
Coming soon
Imagine you have a rubber band in your hand. You start pulling it harder and harder until it stretches to snapping point. Depending on the strength of the band, it may or may not snap but the extreme tension cannot be denied. That is our brain under stress. Turns out, we're under constant stress of some kind or the...
Before you read further, let me make this clear: I am not a religious person. I don't know and don't care if Jesus was a real person or not. James Bond also is just fictional, so is Jack Sparrow or Sherlock Holmes or Lara Croft or Katniss Everdeen or Spiderman, or Ironman. If we can admire them and learn so...