Aren't good and evil like petty siblings?

Just like human siblings, good and evil have the same breeding ground. Born from the same source, they grow together, become stronger or weaker, constantly compete with each other, lead to sickening rivalry at times, take continuous turns at winning and losing, and thrive or perish in same environments.
Here are some interesting facts about good and evil we don't much think about:
Too much of evil ultimately makes way for good. Too much of good ultimately leads to evil.
The world cannot exist in 100% evil state. Nor can it exist in 100% good state. The unthinking people love to fantasise about a 100% good world but forget the logic, reasoning and consequences behind it.
Evil appears erotically attractive, powerfully magnetic, intriguing, interesting, irresistible, full of promises and pleasures that one wants to do but can't or shouldn't. On the other hand, good appears hard, boring, insipid, dull, plain, tasteless, uninteresting and seems like a test that one has to take or a task that one has to do without having a second choice.
If it weren't for promises such as 80,000 servants and 72 wives, in a palace of precious stones and gold (pretty useless! What will one do with that many servants and that many wives? Won't more sin committed if one displeases even one of them?) scantily clad virgin angels, Good rarely tempts. But evil tempts almost immediately.
Have you ever wondered why angels are usually depicted as beautiful curvy bootylicious girls but evil is always a scary horned devil?
If people aren't charmed by the promises of heavenly rewards and lotteries very few people would want to be good. Similarly, very few people would desist from evil if hell fire and innovative punishments don't strike terror in their hearts.
If stretched to extreme good can be as bad as evil. When practiced in moderation even evil is as beneficial as good. For a healthy existence both are needed in just the required measure.
One has to force oneself to be good but being evil requires very little effort. In fact, it even brings pleasure. Yeah, guilty pleasure!
The good descends more easily into evil than the other way round.
Sometimes the good and bad maddeningly even overlap each other, so simple/unthinking people get easily mislead and start doing bad thinking it's good and vice versa.
If given the choice and no fear of punishment, 99% of people would happily want to be evil.
We have both evil and good hidden in us right from birth. Even little human babies have been observed taking the 'evil' way when angered, aroused or provoked. Careful parenting, conditioning, schooling and education continually tries to keep this 'evil' hidden or invisible, and focuses on developing the 'good' in us. But it is a constant battle!
To date it is hard to determine if doing evil for good is better or doing good for evil.
So much is clear: The good and the evil have a pretty large and complicated job description, but winning the other is their primary ambition. Though, what they achieve by winning or losing is hard to tell.
It's not like they are fighting a survival race and fear extinction like the dinosaurs, if they didn't win…!
Interesting, isn't it? That we humans think we have won the battle of good and evil, when actually it is their own personal battle and we are just their pawns?
But that's just my observation. Thanks for reading!