How to spot an INFJ


INFJs are extremely rare. They constitute only about 1-2 % of the total world's population. This is how to spot them:

They are somewhat mysterious looking with a strange other-worldly aura, and with eyes that stare into your very soul.

They are usually very quiet in group situations but chatty in one-on-one dialogues.

They say something brilliant and then trip over thin air.

They freak out when they go into sensory overload.

They ghost everyone they know when hurt, even if only one person hurt them.

they see everyone as equal regardless of their age, race, gender, sexuality, skin colour, physical beauty, education, popularity or wealth.

They will give you the best advice and then not follow it themselves which stems from them not believing that they are deserving of the best outcomes.

Their written words are soulful and rhythmic whilst their spoken words can be chaotic.

They would feel unique or different even if they are surrounded by their own clones.

They are very deep, intense, selfless, moody, logical, protective, and wise.


Spotting an INFJ can be challenging because they tend to be private and reserved. However, there are certain signs and behaviors that are common to this personality type:

1. Deep and Introspective Conversations

INFJs tend to avoid small talk and prefer meaningful, in-depth conversations. They often steer discussions towards topics like personal values, philosophy, or human behavior. If someone consistently gravitates toward discussing life's deeper questions, they might be an INFJ.

2. Strong Sense of Empathy

INFJs are highly empathetic and can intuitively sense the emotions and needs of others. They often act as mediators or listeners in groups, offering advice and support. Their natural ability to understand others' emotions without being told is a significant clue to their personality type.

3. Reserved and Private Nature

INFJs are introverts and tend to keep their personal feelings and thoughts private. While they care deeply about others, they often share their own emotions with only a select few, making them appear mysterious or hard to get to know.

4. Perfectionism and Idealism

INFJs are known for their idealism and strong internal values. They often hold themselves (and sometimes others) to high standards, striving for perfection in their personal and professional lives. Their idealism can also lead them to pursue causes they deeply believe in, like social justice or environmental issues.

5. Creative and Visionary Thinking

INFJs often express their creativity through writing, art, or other forms of expression. Their thinking is abstract and future-oriented, often focusing on long-term goals or visions for a better world. They may share innovative ideas or have an almost prophetic sense about future events.

6. Altruistic and Caring

They are deeply motivated by a desire to help others and often seek careers in counseling, teaching, or humanitarian work. Their actions are driven by compassion and a need to make a positive difference in people's lives.

7. Quiet Determination

While INFJs may appear calm and gentle, they can be extremely determined when it comes to achieving their goals. Once they commit to something, especially if it aligns with their values, they will pursue it with quiet persistence.

8. Struggle with Overstimulation

INFJs, being introverts, are prone to feeling overwhelmed by large social gatherings or too much external stimulation. They often need time alone to recharge after social interactions and may withdraw from group activities more quickly than others.

9. Complex Inner World

INFJs spend a lot of time reflecting and analyzing, which creates a rich inner world full of abstract ideas, personal insights, and complex emotions. They might come across as dreamy or thoughtful, frequently lost in their own thoughts.

10. A Unique Combination of Compassion and Logical Thinking

Despite being deeply empathetic, INFJs also use logic and foresight to solve problems. They balance their emotional understanding with a strategic approach to planning, making them both compassionate and practical.

These traits, taken together, can help identify an INFJ. However, it's important to remember that everyone is unique, and not every INFJ will exhibit all these characteristics in the same way.