How to look inside yourself to find yourself
A step-by-step guide on looking inside yourself

Step 1:
Imagine this white circle that you see in the pic is a two-way portal. Through this portal one can go outside or come inside. But where is the portal? Right here.
Your eyes are the portal. 'You' are the inside. Everything else is the 'Outside.'
(You do know already that you are equipped with two kinds of eyes: physical and mental. Save this info. We'll need it later.)
Step 2:

For the sake of explaining, suppose you are the white circle (The known/you know yourself) and the world is black (The unknown). Since much of the world is unknown and you may try harder and harder and harder, you have limits to how far you can go out in this black field.
This is what logic and science does today. It tries to go out and see. The more you go out in the external world, the more you lose your rooting and disorient yourself.
Step 3:

Now let's reverse this situation:
The world (The known) is white and you (The unknown/you don't know yourself) are black. What ever knowledge you have of the world to date, take it or leave it, but leave the white and dive into the black. How do you do that? Simply close your eyes and start looking inside.
Step 4:
Confused how can one look if the eyes are closed?

The first thing you will notice is your eyelids are just a window curtain over your pupils. You see through your pupils when the lids are open, but you continue to see even when the lids are shut. (This is why when you shut your eyes in the sun you continue to see a bright light and sometimes even reddish tint due to blood vessels present in your lid; Or, when you close your eyes in complete darkness you sometimes can't even tell if your eyes are open or shut.)
Because of the shut eyelids, all you can now see is black or dark grey which is just the curtain in front of the pupils.
Welcome to the doorstep of your inner world. You have now to try to open this curtain and look beyond.
Step 5:
Your mental eyes are now activated. (They are actually always active even with open eyes. You just don't pay attention to them.) With them you can still see practically everything in your head: you room, house, car, office, children, childhood, blah blah blah, all stored visual memories that you want to see. But this is just your inner world's entrance area.
These visual images that starts firing up on your mind's screen is just unwanted noise. Your brain gets a bit confused now because you have closed your eyelids which it interprets as 'No seeing' but you are still trying to 'see' which is like commanding it to see without giving it anything to see. So it brings you stored random images.
Step 6:
You have to firmly discard this and move further beyond. That will be like ordering your brain 'No, this is not what I want to see. I really want to see beyond this pile of images into the darkness, into myself.'
There will be a brief struggle between your command and your brain. Your brain is not used to doing this and has never received this command so it tries to find a way how to do that. It is like your car's GPS finding a new route. Until it does that keep looking into the darkness inside.
Step 7.
Your brain will start giving up, like 'You're being impossible. How can I do that? Look, I think you gave me a wrong command. You actually meant this? or this? or this? and begins flooding you with random real images.'
You stay firm: 'No. I commanded you right. I want to look inside myself, not these images.'
Step 8:
Your brain may get all tired, flustered and indignant at not being able to do what you want and may start bringing you non sensical, self produced images like a flying fish or a speaking toad. (just an example.)
Step 9:
Be firm in your rejection of these images as well. This will help your brain understand that you do not want this either. This will help your brain to accept that it does not know who 'you' are and what your 'myself' thing looks like. Now, it doesn't know what you want and surrenders like a defeated dog.
Don't you think it is funny that you and your brain are two separate things and not one and same? Funnier still, you can command your brain like a servant and it actually even listens to you like one?
This may be your first realisation that you are not your body, not your brain, not your heart, and not your mind. You are soul, and your heart, body, brain, mind are just your loyal servants to command. And in the last all years of your existence in this world as 'you', you have first time came closest to yourself.
But this is just the beginning, your destination is magically exciting, and you have a long way to go.

- Our eyes do not see. The brain does. Eyes are just a mechanism for the brain to facilitate seeing. Which means if we could turn and readjust the direction of the lens we may be able to see something else than what we are used to.
- Once you realise you are the soul and grasp yourself, you discard your brain and begins to see. (Do you remember how they say: Soul is all seeing, all powerful!)
- Simple as the steps are, most people do not understand step 1, 2 and 3.
- Most people give up on step 4.
- The hardest one is step 9. It may take many days, or many weeks or many years depending on your persistence and practice.
Successfully crossing step 9 brings the realisation that the entire outside world, universe and cosmos, all knowledge, health, happiness, questions, answers, consciousness, life, death, instant downloads of information, everything is present inside you. Everything! Closing your eyes creates a kind of tunnel or a wormhole through which you can, at will, always come in or go out. Except that it won't feel that way; more like being connected.
This looking inside and meditation are one and same things.
Exactly this has been termed by people as 'looking inside', 'finding oneself', 'being connected with yourself', 'plugging into the source', 'finding your root' and 'discovering the whole universe inside you'.
But that's just my opinion. Thank you for reading.