Emit Eht - is the reverse of ''The Time''                                            and a tale of current civilisation coming to an end and restarting of a new one, thereby discovering the secrets of History and Time

Eva, a misanthropic pessimistic teacher suffering from sudden onset of insomnia, meets Christopher, a NASA scientist and volunteers to go on a high tech aircraft test flight when a catastrophe strikes and humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction. Eva and Christopher have to reorganize and reinvent themselves in order to survive. However, no body can believe them or their survival. And for very different reasons.

A hypersonic plane. A hypersonic love story. An apocalypse too great for words. A survival technique hinging on the powers of the mind that can defy death. Emit Eht is a tale about discovering secrets of our past and asking ourselves if what we know about human history is all a lie. Is our past more closely connected with our future than we know?

Emit Eht was #5 on Amazon's top 100 best selling new release in Metaphysical and Visionary Fiction

Here are some of its quotes for you to think over, enjoy and share.

A link to an Interview

A bitch for a bitch, a saint for saint, Because a bitch for a saint or a saint for a bitch will be just unfair blissful torture.

-Emit Eht

I am as much a bitch in their eyes as they are in mine. Fair deal..!

-Emit Eht

Life likes to do to us what we do to it. If we are scared of it, it scares us too. If we try to escape it, it gets us by our neck.If we try to chase it, it slips us by. If we love it, it simply loves us back.

-Emit Eht

I don't mind being a bitch to bitches. It is orgasmically satisfying! And dumb bitches? You don't even exist in my universe.

-Emit Eht

If you focus on the things that you can do, then the things that you can't, recede in insignificance.

-Emit Eht

The more you fear, the weaker you become. The farther you run away from it, the closer it gets. If you hide, it finds you out. But the moment you spin around and face it, the tables turn. The game changes. Your fear dies the same death it was planning for you.

-Emit Eht

How do you define the fools and the wise? You can't. Perspective and perspective alone does that. 

The wise think the fools are fools. The fools think the wise are fools. The whole saga ends and nobody discovers who was what.

-Emit Eht

You need your friends to love and support you but you need an enemy to make you accept challenges you otherwise wouldn't, to bring out hidden potentials you didn't even know you had, to force yourself on a path you otherwise wouldn't go. 

Enemies bring out the best in you. So, if you have enemies, rejoice! You have a fair chance of being more fantastic than you already are.

-Emit Eht

If your mind is in chains, nothing can free you. If your mind is free, nothing can enslave you. You can't become anyone's prisoner before becoming your own prisoner first,

-Emit Eht

Sometimes nothing happens for centuries; sometime so much happens in a few seconds.Sometimes nothing changes all your life; sometimes one moment changes your whole existence.Sometimes a lifetime of love fails to suffice; sometimes just a word is enough...!

-Emit Eht

There's a land somewhere out there, beyond ours, beyond stars, beyond the sun;And the clouds that you see floating in the blue sky are only the floor I walk barefoot on...

-Emit Eht

If you are wise but weak your wisdom is futile; if you are fearless but fool your courage is a waste.Wisdom and fearlessness go hand in hand. One is quite useless without the other.

-Emit Eht

But even hope can do nothing for you if you do nothing other than hope.

-Emit Eht

You know why men are called dogs? Die! Because they love bitches.

-Emit Eht

Truth is such a bitch...

-Emit Eht

I save my energies to fight with enemies not fools.

-Emit Eht

I have zero tolerance for normal people and minus hundred for fools.

-Emit Eht

Whenever you want to murder someone, just smile. Then it's worse than murder.

-Emit Eht

When you have purpose, it flashes through your eyes, blazes through your gait, rings in your step and shines through every single thing you do. The beauty of purpose is if it's there it's everything. If it isn't there, it's nothing.

When clouds purpose to embrace the earth, they become tornadoes. When dust purposes to kiss the sky, it becomes dust storm.

-Emit Eht

The outcome of a mistake determines it was a mistake or not, because the problem with them is often times you don't know if you are making one.

Most people actually think they are the genius of the century while only being the fool of a millennia.

Also vice versa..!

-Emit Eht

If you can't sleep, it means you're awake in someone's dreams.

-Emit Eht

So you think a grain of sand is nothing? Try putting it in your eyes.

-Emit Eht

Mind is a technology we haven't started using yet.

-Emit Eht

Depending on how you look at it, even hell can be a paradise, or paradise a hell.

-Emit Eht

New problems need new solutions. And new solutions bring new problems.

-Emit Eht

I get a different view of this world. I look at the stars!

-Emit Eht

There are things that are so easy that their very ease render them difficult for people to comprehend, and they assume that since it can't be so easy, must be infinitely difficult.

-Emit Eht

When we focus on our weaknesses, we become normal. When we focus on our strengths we become extraordinary.

-Emit Eht

If you always do what you always did, you will always do what you always did.

-Emit Eht

One tends to look at life a whole lot differently when one realises they may lose it soon.

-Emit Eht

Sometimes honour brings you insult. Sometimes shame gets you fame.

-Emit Eht

The only cure to bitches is bitching.

-Emit Eht

Other than stupidity and fools I'm not afraid of anything.

-Emit Eht

Let bitches be bitches; they get to do what they do best while you get your peace of mind and a good laugh!

-Emit Eht.

Those who need it seek it. Those who seek it find it.

-Emit Eht

For a learner, every obstacle, every failure, every difficulty, every enemy, every stumbling block turns into lessons and opportunities. For a non-learner, every opportunity, every chance, every solution, every path is nothing more than a hurdle.It's your attitude that makes the difference.

-Emit Eht

Survival is just another fancy word for your fear of dying.

-Emit Eht

Man's beliefs are so powerful, so strong; take them away and he is suddenly nothing.

-Emit Eht

You strive, toil and sweat to get it. You kill for it. You die for it. When you finally have it, you realize you don't want it anymore.

-Emit Eht

There's a little bit of wrong in every right and a little bit of right in every wrong.

-Emit Eht

When you love people you don't want to remember how they died. You want to remember how they lived.

-Emit Eht

When one has a mighty opponent that can't be defeated, it is wiser to become its friend rather than an enemy.

-Emit Eht
